Wealth and Asset Management
Building for TomorrowRisk-adjusted investment performance with an individualized, transparent and disciplined approach to building and managing your portfolio.
Comprehensive Context
Our integrated, holistic approach to wealth management and asset management takes into consideration the context of your entire financial picture. We’ll design an investment structure aligned to meet your unique needs and goals for financial position, protection planning, retirement planning, estate planning, and tax planning.
Personalized Performance
Your customized Investment Policy Statement documents an investment plan and process personalized for you and your goals.
The right plan for you
We’ll align your investment goals with investment strategies that allow levels of risk tolerance, income needs, and tax sensitivity that work best for you.
We continuously monitor and review progress towards accomplishing your goals, making adjustments as the investment landscape evolves and changes.
Growing your portfolio
Understanding Risk Diversification
Risk a four-letter word with multiple definitions. The word is synonymous with danger, threat, hazard, and peril.
In the world of investing, taking risk is critical to the growth of your investment portfolio. The greater the risk you take, the greater the opportunity for an increased investment return. On the other hand, if you only take small amounts of risk, you will likely only realize a small return. The key to balancing risk-vs-reward is first knowing your comfort level with risk plus your time horizon.
Investing with higher risk at a young age helps you keep up with the pace of inflation. Conversely, investing with too much risk when you’re older exposes you to market volatility with less time for your investments to recover from significant losses.
How diversification can help reduce the impact of market volatility
Diversifying your assets is one way to balance risk and reward in your investment portfolio. The primary goal of diversification isn’t to maximize returns, but to limit the impact of volatility on your portfolio
At P3WM, we specialize in balancing risk-vs-reward in your investment portfolio. We focus on your financial goals and time horizon when we create a customized portfolio.
No one likes surprises when it comes to your net worth, so utilize different asset classes and asset class weighting to minimize unpredictability. Measuring each investment’s risk-vs-reward and how these investments complement and work together in your investment portfolio are part of a strategic approach to designed to maximize your opportunities for growth.

Our Tactical Approach to Asset Allocation
Most long-term investment strategies assume the risk of a protracted economic downturn. A tactically managed account assumes the risk that the manager’s analysis may be inaccurate and is not necessarily correlated to the performance of the overall economy or the fundamental health of the stock market. A 100% tactically managed long/short account has the opportunity to provide even further diversification to your overall investment strategy.
Fixed Income Asset Management Services
Our comprehensive fixed income asset management services help you preserve assets, diversify holdings, and maintain a legacy for future generations.
The assumption that “fixed income” investing is low-risk and conservative may not be accurate if you own or are consider fixed-income ETFs (Exchange Trade Funds) or mutual funds. Market downturns in 2008, 2013, and 2020 saw fixed-income ETFs and mutual funds with the same volatility as equities.
We manage individual bond portfolios as a way to diversify your overall risk, customize your investment strategy and assist in controlling your tax situation. Our team has over 20 years of institutional fixed income expertise and portfolio analytics critical to managing fixed income portfolios.
Investment Management Services
Creation of an Investment Policy Statement
Strategic and Tactical Asset Allocation
Selection and Oversight of Investments
Ongoing Monitoring of Investment Portfolios
Performance Reporting, Benchmarking & Analytics
Market Insights and Guidance
ProActive Planning Partners is an independent Investment Advisory firm in New York committed to your well-being. We provide customized wealth management and financial planning services for clients in all phases of life.
© ProActive Planning Partners. Advisory Services offered through Fortitude Advisory Group, LLC